Bicycle Diaries

30 years riding, 15 years writing

4th broken spoke

Towards the end of yesterday’s ride, I noticed the rear wheel wobbling a bit. After the ride an inspection turned up another broken spoke. That’s 4 now, heck I could of been well on my way towards a wheel rebuild by now.

After I finished up the yard, Mondays is our usual work on the lawn day, I rode the bike over to Ultimate Bicycle. Mike, the owner, and I discussed my options. A new wheel off the rack, a wheel rebuild, or maybe trade up towards a new bike.

Mike showed me this really nice Trek, a cross between a road and mountain bike. Slimmer tires than a mountain bike, but not as skinny as a road bike. Front suspension, Shimano components and a nice color scheme. Since I normally ride the Greenway, I’m not out there rock jumping, it would be a bike that would get me around quite a bit faster.

I opted to have a new spoke installed. When the 5th spoke breaks I’ll make up my mind, wheel rebuild or a new bike.

MTB: distance 19.12 miles, average speed 14.0 mph.

Casual Sunday Ride

We had more rain last night, so I just went out to log as many miles as I could today.

My body held up pretty good, considering I was in the saddle for almost three hours. The only anomaly was that my toes were getting numb towards the end of the ride.

The Greenway was packed again today, it felt good just to ride and take it all in. When you bike for exercise you’re usually keeping your head down and peddling like mad, today I was a spectator.

161.39 miles from Monday to Sunday, a good 7 day total.

MTB: distance 35.02 miles, average speed 12.2 mph.

Soggy with a chance of dogs

The slow moving rain started last night and didn’t let up till early afternoon. I wanted to get a ride in but I knew it would be messy and slow going.

The trails were soggy with puddles of water everywhere, so getting up to speed for any length of time was not in the cards. What really gravitated the situation from hard to near impossible to peddle were the dog owners who decided that their pets would love to frolic in the mud, then later clean themselves off in the creeks, all without being on a leash.

I got my miles in, that’s what’s important, but it wasn’t fun dodging puddles and pets.

MTB: distance 19.60 miles, average speed 13.1 mph.

Fourteen mph average speed

Second week back on the mountain bike and I’m getting in bike shape rather quickly. This year I’ve decided to log longer rides and keep a good cadence going. It appears to be working since my legs can spin on a rather high gear on the flat and straight 2.25 mile main Greenway trail.

On the inner trails I try to keep my speed as close to the average speed as best I can, since there are many winding turns and I share these trails with many other people and pets. Flying around a turn doing 18 mph only to come upon an elderly couple walking hand in hand with their small dog on a long leash can ruin your day.

106.77 miles logged this week, let’s see how many more I can do on the weekend, that’s if the rain stays away.

MTB: distance 23.08 miles, average speed 14.0 mph.

The Perils of Earbuds

Surprising Dangers of Earbuds

Common courtesy while riding your road bike is to yell out “On Your Left” when passing fellow riders. When I began riding my mountain bike, yelling out didn’t seem to have much effect on the trails. I soon purchased a bicycle bell, and it’s how I inform walkers, runners and bikers that I’m about to pass them.

The reason yelling out has little effect on the trails is that most people are wearing earbuds and listening to their portable devices. Most hear my bicycle bell and acknowledge it by waving their left hand, some never hear me coming until I pass them going at a high rate of speed.

Today on one of the inner trails, a lone woman jogging never heard me approaching and just about jumped out of her skin as I passed her. This woman would of never heard an approaching dangerous animal or human attacker until it would be too late. Heck I’m carrying a pocket knife these days just because of recent coyote sightings.

When I go for a bike ride on the trails, all I want to hear is the wind blowing past my ears, the sound of my tires going over rocks and gravel, and the sound of birds and native animals frolicking in the forest. I hear enough man-made noisy distractions when I’m in my home office, why would I want to bring them along on a therapeutic ride?

MTB: distance 23.08 miles, average speed 13.7 mph.

The Ladybug gave me inspiration

Finishing up my third lap around the McAlpine, I thought about doing a fourth lap. I had plenty of water left, I just didn’t know how my legs would hold up.

Then I looked down at my thighs and noticed a red ladybug nicely contrasted against my black bike shorts. I took it as a sign, telling me that it would be OK to ride further.

Throughout the fourth and last lap around the Greenway, the ladybug hung on to my bike shorts. I was inspired to keep the same fast pace I had been riding the previous three laps. Somehow I knew my thighs wouldn’t cramp up, the ladybug had my back.

As I finished up and headed up towards my neighborhood, the ladybug flew away, staying on the trail for the next ride.

MTB: distance 24.77 miles, average speed 13.9 mph.

Water for the Fisherman

There’s this elderly gentleman fishing by the lake most everyday. Sitting on a 5 gallon plastic bucket.

As I sat mid-ride on a bench by the lake eating a banana, he approached me. In a heavy Slavic tone, he began to speak to me, the only thing I caught was water. I raised my water bottle and asked him if he was thirsty, he nodded. I poured out about half of a fresh water bottle into the bottle I had just finished and handed it to him. He drank it all down, said thanks in his native language and walked away.

Times are tough and I think this person is fishing for his food, rather than fishing for recreational purposes. Though I don’t think that the lake has any fish I would care to eat, for someone down and out, it’s dinner.

MTB: distance 19.38 miles, average speed 13.6 mph.

Raining all day Sunday

Sunday was a wash out, and my back was hurting.

All day it rained, it let up a little late afternoon but I wasn’t about to go out. The weirs that cross the creek have a tendency to get full of debris from all the street drains that funnel their water into the McAlpine Creek.

My back was also hurting, tensing up on me. So I figured I’d be a couch potato for the day and watch Formula 1 racing and NCAA basketball. The off day made it’s presence felt in my legs today, I just couldn’t get up to speed.

I counted 40 ducks and geese on the lake today, as I took a break and fueled myself with a banana. They know me by now, inching closer awaiting the cut up banana peel I throw into the lake. If the ducks and geese aren’t fast enough to get the peels, the fish and turtles beat them to it.

MTB: distance 16.46 miles, average speed 13.5 mph.

Cleaned the mountain bike

Gave the Trek Fuel 70 a good cleaning yesterday.

For a 6 year old bike, it’s still holding up pretty good. With a bio-degradable degreaser and a tooth brush, I cleaned up all the built up grime on the drive train. Gave the frame a good washing, and shined up the tires with Armour All.

Couldn’t wait to take it for a spin today, but had to wait for the trails to dry since it had rained overnight. I wasn’t about to get it all muddy after having spent two hours making it all shiny and looking like a new bike.

The bike rode great, shifting a whole lot better than before. Did a somewhat casual ride today, I’ll pick up the speed tomorrow. Easy does it as I get back in shape.

MTB: distance 19.38 miles, average speed 13.1 mph.

Oh, the heat returns

What’s up with Spring?

Really hot today, mid 80’s during the ride. I’m going to have to go out earlier in the day, I can’t take this heat just getting my body out of Winter.

Put a little bit of Vaseline on the new Performance shorts I bought yesterday, it was a more pleasant experience, less like sandpaper. I’m starting to get used the synthetic chamois, it does give a nice cushioned ride.

Need a rest day, I think I’ll take Friday off and give it my all during the weekend.

MTB: distance 17.38 miles, average speed 13.4 mph.